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Passionate About Inspiring Others

A beautiful kindred spirit with many passions which include being a limitless learner, budding herbalist with a love for  green plant allies, herbs and nature.  My purpose in this life is to enable you in your life by planting a seed.  A seed that is yours to water, nourish and grow enabling you to take action which will transform your life.



My passions were nurtured from the time I was young.  Some of my earliest memories were playing outside daily.  Through  play times, I would watch a blade of grass blowing in the wind, wait patiently for a flower to bloom in the morning sun, climbing and playing in the trees, to lying on my back watching the clouds seeing what they showed me and sitting outside listening to the crickets serenade and moonlight shine brightly lighting up then night sky just to name a few.  This natural and calming exchange allowed me to experience life with no filters, grow and be curious about everything around me and just be with all I was a part of around me. This is called a beginner's mindset.  I am a person who needs to feel, to physically connect with my body, senses and feelings.  And I have the best teacher.  Nature.


So anyhow, here I was, learning to plant my own seeds and feel their growth through my actions right before my eyes.  This quiet and peaceful feeling inside of me.  The knowing that we are one.  Nature my teacher showing me 'how' I can be centered in the calm of the storm of challenges in my life.  I was breathing joy and happiness into the core and fiber of my being with each breath I take with my passions by:


- Planting seeds in me (Water, nourish and grow).  Define through learning

- In turn this provided evolution, learning and transformation in my life



I am a mother of three children and have raised my children in the age of computers which brought with it growth and challenges.  I decided from their young age to teach them to plant seeds of their own, enabling them in all of what life has to offer, providing them with experiences of richness, support and evolution of themselves.



First, I give all credit to Mother Nature.  She is my first teacher, since she was born into this world.  Not to mention she is millions of years old teaching all who came before her.  Mother Nature has been a continuous provider and connecting millions of us with her palette of offerings to all in her path.  All unconditionally with an open heart and landscape.  All she asks is that we stay connected and she leads us to remember her and connect to her in journey on Earth.  With such vigor and passion, Ishibela has taken on learning in more specialized areas that she is has a natural passion and affinity for.  Below is her continued education and other areas of learning:



~ Received certificates completion for Herbal intensive courses ranging from' Introduction to Herbalism' to 'Advanced  Herbalism' intensives and coursework with Anatomy and Physiology.  These provided by and with gratefulness and acknowledgement from our herbal elders who have passed on their knowledge to her through their education, hands on knowledge, stories and more


~Taken continued Herbal education coursework in person and online embracing the herbal community and knowledge sharing other offer


~ Attending Herbal events, supporting and connecting with like-minded people in the herbal community


~ Becoming a Certified  Spiritual Life Coach


~ Shamanism


~ Rights of Munay-Ki


Time to 'Plant the Seed' and watch you grow and experience a metamorphosis in you right before your very eyes.


What can Ishibela offer to you?

As spiritual beings, we have the same innate feelings and understand we are all connected in some way.   I ask you as you read this to consider saying yes now.  To allow for those new seeds of growth and transformation to  planted within you.  You are here right now and reading this for a reason. You are ready!


Start planting the seeds of limitless possibilities and join like minded people by attending my herbal classes, budding a relationship with nature and you. 


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