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Final Fall class completeD! What a great day.
Check us out throughout this Winter for Blog Posts, Meet UP classes and not to mention Spring 2024 classes and sign up for EArly Bird and group discounts.

Thank you for a great year And now it's up to you on how you nourish and grow your seeds!


 Take a slow breath in and as you exhale, get ready to take your LEAP of faith and know that

You Are here

Join us for hands on herbal classes that will plant the seeds of wisdom, leading you to transformation


My name is Ishibela Powers

A beautiful kindred spirit with many passions which include being a limitless learner, budding herbalist with a love for  green plant allies, herbs and nature.  My purpose in this life is to enable you in your life by planting a seed.  A seed that is yours to water, nourish and grow enabling you to take action which will transform your life.

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